Home Forums The Town Center All Media Art Events WDEs July 14 1nd 21 couple of quickies

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    (frustrating trying to upload)

    Last week’s is 5×6, an hour or so,  on a pad of grey paper called “dry mixed media”; likely good for soft pastels etc but I struggled with the o.p.s. Not blaming the paper though.

    This week I had very little time so it’s inktense  on a slightly larger piece of gessoed canvas paper I found in a drawer. My goal was to refrain from fussing and do just enough you could (maybe) tell it was boats. :scratch:

    Thanks for hosting, Kay and Rousay!

    Wendy C&C always welcome
    Everybody likes feedback! Please remember to comment on others' threads, even if it's just a "nice work" post.


    Please ignore

    Sorry, the edit button has disappeared, can’t seem to get rid of this. Arghh.

    Wendy C&C always welcome
    Everybody likes feedback! Please remember to comment on others' threads, even if it's just a "nice work" post.

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