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Thanks Tyree for hosting.I started this by sketching free hand,then I went over with black pen,after I lost all my plan,I thought I will post it,I might try it again. 6×9 WC C&C welcome Thanks .
- C & C welcome ( comments and criticisms highly appreciated)
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Nice pears Imelda.
Anne C & C always welcome. https://www.wetcanvas.com/forums/topic/wip-still-life-with-purple-underpainting/
gorgeous work Imelda ~! love the light and bit of rose colour also ~!!!! thank you so much for joining in ~! tyree
'art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known'.....oscar wilde
Nice work, Imelda.
Thanks Sanlynn Tyree Christel Ann and Joe for your comments
Harmonious and a bit moody; vary nice indeed!
Wendy C&C always welcome Everybody likes feedback! Please remember to comment on others' threads, even if it's just a "nice work" post.
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