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        Uploading Images: A Quick Reference Guide and FAQ

        Please note: You must have a minimum of two text only posts before WC will allow an image upload. The posts can be within the same thread if you so choose.

        One topic that generates the most questions here at WetCanvas! is about uploading images of your art to share with others in the forums.

        WetCanvas! provides three ways to upload images:

        1. Using the Insert Images icon when creating a post
        2. Using the Image Uploader option from the Quick Links menu
        3. Attaching an image using Attachment Manager

        The easiest method is using the Insert Images icon, and it is described briefly here. For a detailed description of all methods, see the Uploading Images [/URL] article.

        *** VIDEO DEMO <<<*****[/COLOR][/SIZE] (thanks to Yorky) [COLOR=Red][B]NOTE[/B][/COLOR]: post #3 below has a MAC work around [COLOR=Blue][B][SIZE=3]Inserting Images: A Quick Reference[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B][U]Size Guidelines [/U] [/B] Most image uploading problems occur because an image does not meet these size guidelines, so please review them carefully. --Images must be [B]800(high) x 800(wide) pixels [/B] or less. --Total file size must be [B]100kbs[/B] or under. --Image resolution should be at [B]72dpi [/B] - most monitors can't display any higher resolution. To resize your images to meet these requirements, you need image editing software. Your scanner or digital camera may include this software. If you do not have an image editing program, there are free programs available on the internet. [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]Note: Downloading free programs can carry it's own risks and you do so at your own risk.[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [/COLOR] For resizing on a phone, there are many resizing apps or photo editing apps. Check out your app store search feature to find them. [B][U]General Guidelines [/U] [/B] -- If you are posting an image with [U]nudity[/U], please remember to use the Butt Icon when making your post. -- Make sure your file name does not include [U]unusual characters [/U] such as _ & * % @ +. -- [U]Cross-posting [/U] your work is allowed, as long as you don't overdo it. Showing your image in two or three relevant forums makes it easier for more people to see your work. However, posting your work in every single forum you can think of is considered spamming and your threads may be removed. -- Do [B]not[/B] link to images on other websites. [U]Remote-linking [/U] to images is not allowed. Remote-linking means you take an image on another website and use coding to make that image show up on our site. -- If you use Photoshop, you can automate the uploading process. WetCanvas member Windy has written a handy [URL=https://www.wetcanvas.com/forums/showthread.php?t=277899]tutorial [/URL] for Photoshop users. [B][SIZE=3]Step-by-Step Instructions[/SIZE][/B] 1. When you are replying to a post or creating a new one, put your cursor where you want the image to appear. Click the Insert Image icon. [IMG]http://s3.amazonaws.com/wetcanvas-hdc/Community/images/27-Sep-2005/14803-insertimageicon.jpg[/IMG] The following screen displays. [IMG]http://s3.amazonaws.com/wetcanvas-hdc/Community/images/27-Sep-2005/14803-ImageUploadStep1.jpg[/IMG] 2. Click the Browse button to search for and select the image on your computer. When you select an image and click Upload Image, it displays in the bottom of the popup window, as shown here. [IMG]http://s3.amazonaws.com/wetcanvas-hdc/Community/images/27-Sep-2005/14803-ImageUploadStep2.jpg[/IMG] 3. If the image displayed is not the one you meant to select, click where indicated, and select another one.[INDENT]If the image is the one you meant to select, simply click the image to upload it.[/INDENT]4. When you click on your image, WetCanvas inserts the image in the form of HTML code in your message, like that shown here. [IMG]http://s3.amazonaws.com/wetcanvas-hdc/Community/images/27-Sep-2005/14803-imagecode.jpg[/IMG] Click Preview Post to see how your message will look with the image, or simply click Submit Message to submit the thread to the forum. [B][U]Automatic Resizing[/U][/B] If the file you are trying to upload does not meet the file size requirements, the uploader will try to resize the file for you. If it can successfully resize it, you will see a message similar to the following. [IMG]http://s3.amazonaws.com/wetcanvas-hdc/Community/images/27-Sep-2005/14803-error2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]Inserting Images: Frequently Asked Questions[/SIZE][/B] [B]1. I get a message saying the image is still too big, or that the resizing didn’t work[I]. [/I] [/B] You may still need to resize your image to meet the WetCanvas requirements. To resize your image, you need image editing software. Your scanner or digital camera may include this software. [B]2. I thought I followed the instructions but nothing is showing up.[/B] Check the name of the file you are uploading. Remember that unusual characters such as _ & * % @ + should [U]not [/U]be used as part of the file name. [B]3. I forgot to add the Butt Icon. What do I do?[/B] Not a problem. Simply report the post to the forum’s moderators. To report a post, click the Report Post icon in your thread. It looks like this: [IMG]http://s3.amazonaws.com/wetcanvas-hdc/Community/images/27-Sep-2005/14803-Report.jpg[/IMG] [B]4. Somebody told me cross-posting wasn’t allowed but someone else said it was. Is it allowed and if so, how do I do it?[/B] Cross-posting means you can show images of your work in more than one forum, so you can get feedback from multiple places. For example, you painted a landscape in oils – you can post it in both the Oil Painting forum and the Landscape forum. Cross-posting is allowed, as long as you don’t overdo it. Please choose the best [U]two[/U] Forums for your work. To cross-post from one forum to another, copy and past the text from the first thread to a new thread. Remember to include the image, or use the Insert Image icon to insert the image again. [B]5. I don’t want to upload an image here that I have already posted on my own website or another website.[/B] WC urges members to post your images here on site. We know that many members will not click on a link to an outside source due to virus concerns and remember that link will no longer work in WetCanvas! if the original image is removed from that outsource which will make the thread on WC worthless. [B]6. I want to add my own art as part of my signature, like I’ve seen others do. How do I do it?[/B] Please read the article called [URL=https://www.wetcanvas.com/Articles2/5712/608/]Making a Signature Banner[/URL] [B]7. I have no idea what you mean by “resize images” and wouldn't know a pixel if I met it on the street. Where can I go for more information?[/B] [URL]http://www.wikipedia.org/[/URL] has an excellent tutorial on image editing. Search for “image editing.” Remember you need some kind of image editing software to resize pictures. [B]8. I’m still having problems. What do I do now?[/B] Post a new thread in the Welcome – New Users [URL=https://www.wetcanvas.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=35]forum[/URL]. We’d be glad to help you there, and you can practice uploading images. In addition, you may want to try one of the other methods of uploading images, as described in the [URL=https://www.wetcanvas.com/Articles2/44487/496/]Uploading Images [/URL] article.


            February 2011

            *please note: WC is having techs work on some features of this site so there may be times when the uploader fails. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

            Also, if you click on the image you are attempting to upload and it fails to post try adding

            Another way is to right click the returned image and select “copy image location” then paste that into your post, surrounding it with the tags.

            Note that site technical difficulties are discussed here.

            **IMPORTANT – you must have a minimum of TWO posts prior to posting an image.

            You may also post your questions in the WC Site Discussions Forum where a staff member will assist you.




                The way to send an image to WC is first export it from the iPhoto program to the desktop using the .jpeg ending and sizing it to fit the parameters set by WC. Be sure the e is in the .jpeg

                Then, when the second window you show comes up, it is easy to click on the image on the desktop and download it to WC. (painterbear)

                Also, sometimes if the file name is .jpg without an e you can resolve the issue by placing the e within it – .jpeg NOT gif

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