Newsletters have become somewhat boring with a wall of text. I am thinking of sending a newsletter with a little animation like the one below. Looking for feedback – is it too tacky? is it intriguing? Any parts that could be improved? I know there are a few spelling mistakes and the text formatting is a little off. Anything outside of these?
Sridhar - Inventor of Polyart - artwork using polymers
Send me an animation or a link to youtube and I will unsubscribe from you newletter at first opportunity. That is just me and I hate talking heads when I can read the same in the text. YMMV
It is only on a basis of knowledge that we can become free to compose naturally. -- Bernard Dunstan
I like the idea. But perhaps in very limited doses; a little goes a long way – and shouldn’t distract from the reading of your newsletter, or the realistic examples of your artwork. It’s a nice idea though, and attention-getting. I wouldn’t want it to look too much like “entertainment”, rather than an informative presentation. So maybe a small amount sprinkled here and there?