Home Forums Explore Media Watercolor Palette Talk *** Daily Wash Wednesday 6th June 2018 ***

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    09:22…and I’m already done for the day. Got the FUBAR issue at the roof where the shop garage and the carport meet opened up. Thank gawd for saw-zaws (reciprocating demo saw). When they built the carport, the shop garage (1 car stand alone garage) was already there. The carport is canted about 30° from the shop and there is about 12″ between the corners. No problem, but when you get to the roof overhang, they conflict. The builders of the carport rigged some nonsensical valley cant there and joined the two roofs….only thing it did was create water problems for the fascias, freeze board and the lapped siding below….and created a catch all for limbs, twigs, leaves and other debris….cut the roof decking back to the plane of the wall and cut the tails off of two roof rafters….will close it up and add some metal drip flashing. It’ll work much better and won’t be a catch all trap. They should have done this in the first place……..I swear there has to be 5 layers of shingles on both roofs….I don’t have any roof leaks, but a reroofing job is in the future for sure…..I pity the roofers, cause this is going to be a messy tearoff.

    Errands to run this morning….target and the market for something for dinner tonight……BBL


    Pain and heartaches aren't options in life........misery is a choice.


    Good morning. Rain storms moved through last night again, but not enough to fill the lakes. There was some hail damage NW of us when it slammed into that area.

    John is cutting the lawn, and I need to clean this house today. I was having trouble with feeling off center the last couple of days. It boils down to my eyes getting better, and the glasses are too strong.

    Geoff, So glad that you are on antibiotics to fight the infection. Just take it easy and let them get to work.

    JJ, By the time you read this, I hope the problem area has been isolated and a plan has been put in place to repair the broken pipes. My guess is your doctor’s are making sure everything is working properly by requesting those tests.:grouphug:

    Bill, You are such a good husband by spoiling Janet with a new Mac. The new upgrade to the Apple products this Fall will be amazing. I am really excited that they are stepping up our protection on the Internet by providing minimum identification markers for all our products. All the sites will only be able to tell that someone with a Mac was on their website. :clap:

    Uschi, :grouphug: For doctor appointment today! I always clean in my nightgown, because it is so much easier.

    Steve, Your building skills amaze me. I did build a screen porch, but I took it down because I did not use the right kind of wood and was afraid of termites.

    Linda, :grouphug: Glad that you checked in and understand why you have not posted in a while. :grouphug:

    Hi to everyone I missed. Now on to cleaning the house before we go on our trip next week.

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge."- Einstein


    Doug, are those Mrs. McCarthy’s strawberry scones?

    Be-ro standard rock bun recipe minus the fruit Bill.


    We must leave our mark on this world


    :wave: Not so good night, awake at 2 and eventually got up at 5, ate something and went back to sleep for an hour. That helped, and a trip down to Timmies for breakfast helped too! Had to drop off a supplement for my show application and do some banking.

    Just sitting with my feet up for a few min before I walk over to pick up my laptop :thumbsup: So lost without it, almost two weeks. Did manage to revive my ancient one so I could complete my application, but it was a stressful time.

    Just listened to a great recording of The Lark Ascending, what a great piece! https://youtu.be/3b0rN43q6jo

    :grouphug: Linda, Geoff :grouphug:

    Glad you are feeling better, Doug. So am I, Aleve, just two over one day, finally did the trick.

    What a time you are having, JJ :grouphug: :heart: :grouphug:

    :crossfingers: for good news for you, Uschi :heart:

    Greetings to all! Time to get going before my breakfast wears off :) BBL

    Cheers, Lynn
    "Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering, There is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen


        :cat: HI EVERYONE:cat:

        Just checking in for a bit. I had to run the errand to drop our rent check off in the new lockbox. We have not met the new owners yet. Anyway I made a quick WalMart run while I was out & getting a quick bite of lunch.

        I have to get back to bookshelf sorting this afternoon. I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff. Feels great.

        Wishing everyone well. Lots of prayers & white light going out to some of you.

        Take care



            Hello all;

            It’s sunny here and going to be a perfect 72F. Lovely day and it’s been cooling down nicely in the evenings.

            I’m not sure yet if Larry is staying until 7pm but hoping not. I think he said the other guy is working tonight and tomorrow and that he wants to cut the lawn when he gets out at 3pm.

            I need to think about what I’m going to make tonight for dinner. Last night Justin left work at 7pm and came home early so he surprised us for dinner; it’s a good thing I made enough.

            (((Linda))) I’m so very sorry you are having so much pain. I’m praying for you and hoping that this pain subsides.

            (((Geoff))) glad you had a rest and praying your pain subsides too and that you heal well.

            (((JJ))) praying that the tests show whatever is wrong and they get the right medications to get you feeling better real soon.

            Nancy, if your glasses are “off” they will make you feel yucky. Go back and tell them they aren’t right.

            Doug, all your baked goods sound delicious. I happen to know your chocolate cake and apple pie are yummy. :D

            Char, good that you are painting in preparation for your show. We want more pictures of the kitchen!! I hope it’s going well, I can’t believe how long it takes to complete a re-model. I know that the kitchen is the most involved room in the house to re-model though.

            Hello Steve, Sylvia, Lynn, Bill, and Annie!

            Anita, you sure are a busy beaver with your purging, good for you. :thumbsup:

            Uschi, you can come and clean my bathrooms. :p they need it.

            I hope you all enjoy your day/evening. :grouphug: :wave:


            If I create from the heart, nearly everything works: if from the head, almost nothing. — Marc Chagall


            Darla, The glasses are from two RXs ago. I was using eyedrops with preservatives which made my eyes worse. They are slowly going back to what I had right after my cataract surgery. I really only need readers working on small stuff or reading the fine print. I am happy that I am slowly getting good vision again.

            Went grocery shopping for a few things. Now I am working on John’s computer while he is gone for the afternoon/evening. I don’t think he had Time Machine set up, so I am reinstalling the operating system. I will then get it set up to make daily backups. It takes 8 minutes to install it.

            Have a wonderful evening.

            MY FACEBOOK PAGE
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge."- Einstein


            Hiya!! It’s been a gorgeous sunny day with livable temperatures. :) I think today’s high might have reached 17C.

            After Class, where we nearly finished our loons which are all looking gorgeous, Ted and I went door shopping. Not good. So, we are (actually Ted is) repairing and reviving our old door. We bought a piece of plexi-glass that will be inserted in front of the repaired screen. That will allow the light to come in while protecting the screen from Baby Kitty. We went out for lunch, which hasn’t set well with me, but oh well. And then picked up one of Ted’s many meds from the pharmacy.

            I made some chicken tenders and wedge potatoes for the guys. They’ll just have to heat them up for their dinner. I’ll have a salad when I get home from the theatre. :) Yup… goin’ out to see “The Book Club” with my Tuesday Class!

            ((((Linda)))) I wish I could snap my fingers and make it all go away for you.

            Uschi, cleaning the day before is always a good idea.

            Bill, I find that I don’t have the time to interact in the Gallery as much as I should. So, I don’t post my stuff there. And I usually feel bad about tucking it in here in the Wash. I even stopped posting in in FB albums.

            Darla, my good camera is out in the motor home and I keep forgetting to bring it in. I’ll do that and snap some photos of the cupboards. My painter will be here tomorrow to finish the walls and woodwork. The counters will be installed next Tuesday. Then, the appliances will need to be plumbed and placed. So much to do…

            Nancy, that’s really scary that the drops actually made things worse! :eek:

            I need to leave shortly so I’d better get this shut down. Have a nice evening everyone! :grouphug:

            Char --

            CharMing Art -- "Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art." Leonardo DaVinci


            Char, It was the preservatives that affect my eyes. I should not be surprised, because I cannot eat at buffets for the same reason. Live and learn. It is so nice to see without depending on glasses.

            John’s computer is up and running. I don’t know what happened or why it would not finish booting, but I checked his disk drives and repaired them. Then I reinstalled the operating system. Like magic, his machine is working. The wonders of Mac engineering.

            MY FACEBOOK PAGE
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge."- Einstein


                Late morning greetings to all….

                Like Doug i lol’ed at Ellen’s post. As i drove to work dressed in thick red woollen coat and scarf the outside temperature read 6C:lol:
                Has risen since then but even so, a crisp winter’s morning.

                My sister is now in London staying with a cousin.
                She said that her arrival at Heathrow was vastly different to the VIP service as she arrived in Dubai. Reality check lol
                Her week with the family was exciting and i had been to all the places she went to, except The Louvre which has recently opened in Abu Dhabi.

                Glasses…..the hinge on my current ones broke so have been sent away to fix. Currently managing with previous RX…ok for distance but not so for reading etc.
                Wore contacts yesterday and added reading glasses, not perfect but best option at moment.

                Lots of people around, better go:wave:


                Proud to be Kiwi!

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