Hi! One challenge at a time is enough for me so my checklist is short. Where’s my viewpoint/ line of vision?
I like the tips in this article with the explanations & sample do & don’t images- http://photoinf.com/General/Johannes_Vloothuis/landscape_composition_rules.html WC has it (in my siggy links) but the link above has it all on one page..
In the link for Vloothuis rules, there’s mention of depth and in that section, perspective. My main item to check these days is regarding perspective, my viewpoint.
At the beginning, and during the time working, I’m often referring to wherever my constant line of vision meets the picture plane (at a perpendicular) at whatever (sometimes changing) depth I might imagine the picture plane and how everything relates to it (when painting from life) . It helps me with composition of interiors and still life as well as it might with landscape.
Somewhere there was mention of three planes, foreground, middle ground and background – depth of field (camera as well). Well, also to be considered are three other planes, vertical (height), horizontal (width) and 3rd dimension, depth, right? They are so hard to get! (from where I am, outer space
C&C welcome
"If you go out in the woods today, you're in for a big surprise!" Jimmy Kennedy