Home Forums The Learning Center Studio Tips and Framing Framing Discussions how to hang art on paper only

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        I’m trying to do this:

        it looks like he is using thumbtacks or push pins.

        anything else you could do? I love the way the paper hangs and floats away from the wall.

        Brian Sommers
        My Blog


            A suggestion would be to use a dowel glued to the top of back of the paper using acrylic medium. Small flat eye hangers could then screwed into each end of this dowel for hanging purposes.

            A similar dowel could also be attached to the bottom back for weighting purposes (so paper doesn’t curl up)

            The weight of the dowels would be determined by the gsm and size of paper used in the work.

            I suggest a dowel because the round shape would allow distance from the wall.

            If you wished to use a lighter paper and wanted the work to perhaps ‘move’ in natural drafts, then instead of a bottom dowel, attach metal or plastic washers on the bottom (at back). Playing with the weight. (Check the hardware store for suitable items).

            I would also consider a coat of acrylic medium on the back of the paper for protection. Either regular or Golden makes GAC medium which will stiffen paper. All dry clear.


            John humber

                Brian. This is an old post now and perhaps you have solved your problem.

                I used the following technique to achieve the same floating effect. It took a bit of careful planning and working (and a lot of scrabbling around on my knees) but it worked very well I thought.

                I cut battens about 6” shorter than the width of the drawings and at about 2” thick. I cut strips of paper (the same material as the drawings) to the same length and about three times the width of the batten.

                I carefully folded the paper strips around the batten, glued it to the back of the drawing, wrapped it around the batten and fixed it with a staple gun.

                I attached two ‘D’ rings to the batten so that the eye-loop projected above the edge of the batten.

                The drawings were then hung on two small nails in the wall.

                PLEASE how do I make these dreadful yellow things go away? OMG there's even more of the awful things now.


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